
Aurora activity is measued using Kp levels, ranging from 0-9.
To find which Kp level you need to see aurora in your location, check the map below.

Other factors that may affect aurora viewing include moonlight, light pollution from cities, and of course cloud cover in your area.

Moon: The moon is currently 12.4 days old, and is waxing. The next new moon will be 12:46am February 28, 2025.

Light pollution: Dark Site Finder is a great tool for finding a place to take night sky photos, clear of light pollution from cities.

Once you've figured out the required Kp to see aurora in your area, head over to the alerts page to set up an email alert. When aurora are forecast to reach your preset level, you'll get an email one hour in advance. You can also subscribe to daily forecast emails, which give predicted data for the next three days.

Required Kp to see aurora